The limitations of Gross Domestic Product as an indicator of a country’s success have been recognised for some time. The wellbeing of citizens cannot be ignored. And finally it would appear that more attention is indeed being paid to wellbeing.
In 2018, the Central Statistics office published its Wellbeing of the Nation report. Last October’s Budget also addressed the issue and in February of this year, it was announced that work was beginning on developing a Wellbeing Framework for Ireland. The National Social and Economic Council is currently consulting on what might be included in such a framework. Both individuals and organisations can complete what is a relatively short online survey. But hurry, the closing date is 14 May 2021.
And if you do not get round to it or are interested in exploring things further, why not take a look at the Irish Doughnut Economics Network and the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and its Irish members FEASTA and the European Health Futures Forum?